“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.”

 M. K. Clinton

Meet Georgie, our newest team member.

This is Georgie. She is a little over 5 months old. She is half Golden Retriever and half German Shepherd.

We decided a little while ago to introduce pet therapy into our service.

Pet therapy has a long history in helping sick and disadvantaged people. In Belgium, in the ninth century, animals were used to support handicapped people. In 1790, they replaced physical restraint in an asylum (The York Retreat), with kindness, understanding and importantly therapy animals. In the 1800’s in Germany, pets were encouraged for people who had epilepsy. Many nursing homes today either have permanent pets or visiting pets to make the life of those living at n aged care facility more enjoyable.

Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world with 63% of households having a pet. There are 19 dogs for every 100 people.

There has been much research done of the effects of pets. They have been shown to:

Lower blood pressure,

Reduce systolic blood pressure and reduce triglycerides,

Release endorphins (Oxytocin) that have a calming effect,

Diminishes overall physical pain,

Decreases feelings of isolation and alienation,

Lessens feelings of depression,

Increase socialisation,

Reduces boredom and anxiety and

Reduces loneliness.

As our photos show, our clients approve of our new team member and Georgie loves all the attention they give her.

Those smiles!

Until next time


Mark McDonnell can be emailed at mark@communityfriends.org.au or phoned on 0418 754 900.


Till next time

Mark McDonnell


Community Friends.


Community Friends is a registered charity and does not receive any  government funding. Donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductable in Australia.

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