“Every life deserves a certain amount of dignity, no matter how poor or damaged the shell that carries it.” Rick Bragg

“It Puts Back Their Dignity …. Gives Them Respect”.

Last week I was unable to produce newsletter. I’ve been quite busy lately. I’m trying to secure some ongoing funding for Community Friends and I was working on a grant application, last weekend. I just didn’t have the time to write the newsletter. 

I was recently approached by a photography and videography business Saymilk offering their services for a free video production. I accepted and asked them to come to one of our food giveaways and film a video. 

I asked Ben to do the commentary for the video. Not only is Ben a great speaker, but he is an authority on the struggles homeless people go through. In this video Ben talks about the stress of not knowing where your next meal is coming from. He dispels a few myths about homeless people and finally says that giving people 3 or 4 days of food like Community Friends does, puts back their dignity and gives them respect.

It is a short video (3 minutes 10 seconds), but well worth viewing.

It is a short video (3 minutes 10 seconds), but well worth viewing.

Christmas in July

We had “Christmas in July” last Wednesday at our food give-away. It was a cold and wet day, but the festivities went ahead anyway. We had the barbershop quartet “Laugh at Life” sing up a storm. The quartet is more of a quintet and very enjoyable. Some of the local buskers joined in as well.

We had PresCare come and help out and supply the Christmas in July feast. There were ham steaks, turkey burgers and sausages. One fellow came and asked for 8 burgers to share with a few of his mates. I really appreciate the help that PresCare have been giving us. I have been wanting to do special days for a long time but logistically and cost wise it just hasn’t been an option.

On the photo below, I’m the one with the bigger smile. That’s because Ross Applegarth (on the right) is about to give Community Friends a $2,000 cheque. Ross is part of group of specialist dentists that deals with the more complicated dental problems. Endodontic Group

Below are some further photos of the day

Till next time

Mark McDonnell


Community Friends.


Community Friends is a registered charity and does not receive any  government funding. Donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductable in Australia.

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